Call for abstracts
We submitted a preliminary list of participants and contributions with the proposal (Nov. 14).
If you are interested in participating in this symposium, and have not already done so, please contact us ASAP. It is likely that you would be asked to contribute to a poster session rather than the oral session.
NB: We have had far more interest than can be accommodated as talks in a single symposium! There will be a concurrent poster session to handle the overflow; alternatively presenters may prefer to give a talk in the general technical sessions.
Submission of a title/abstract does not guarantee particpation in the symposium; the convenors will be "selective"...!
SVP will only allow one first-authored presentation per person per conference. There is no limit to the number of abstracts on which an individual can be a junior author.
See the First Circular for more information regarding abstract submission.
Richard T. McCrea University of Alberta
Emma C. Rainforth Columbia University
Joanna Wright University of Colorado at Denver
Paul E. Olsen Columbia University |

Eubrontes giganteus
Early Jurassic, Connecticut valley (CT/MA) Attributed to a large theropod.